RwGGist: Swallow your pride and join the train so we all can growth together—Tambari Steve advice ph entertainers||


In 2016, I lunched this platform 'A NITE WITH TAMBARI STEVE' to promote Port Harcourt based entertainers and called many of the entertainers based in Port Harcourt to be part of this movement.

However, some turned down my request thinking it a child's play; I even begged to feature some people so we could achieve it together, all to no avail. 

I'm not a dancer, singer or comedian. I created this platform to enable us project ourselves and to let the people of Rivers State believe in us.
I named this project after myself because the idea was from me but its motif was solely to project Port Harcourt entertainers.

Today, A NITE WITH TAMBARI STEVE is a bigger brand with professional platform and while some people are now craving to be part of it, others are busy criticizing and dissing me instead of swallowing their pride to join the train so we all can growth together.
You will know a successful man when the people in same field criticize him.
Identify with the brand and drop your pride.

This event was set out for you.
Let's demonstrate to the people of Rivers State that they don't need Lagos based entertainers to spice up there events. We have all it takes to do it better.
We have a target audience projection of about four thousand Rivers people coming to watch you. Just call: 07064726891.

You have news, articles or motivational post and want it to be on RwG Platform please Contact Tambari Steve @ +2348165902794, +2348182764115 or Email  

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