RwGNews|| Pictures of just concluded A Nite With Tambari Steve ||

A NITE WITH TAMBARI STEVE was a huge success
The turn-up was massive
A very big thanks to all that came out to support this brand.

Port Harcourt is already believing in us, more Mega indigenous event coming through.

To our media Houses
Silverbird tv
Rhythm 93.7
Team Comedy 99
Janex communication
Toosweet promo
You guys made this event scatter round port Harcourt, kodus to you all.

Our wonderful Team (Team A Nite With Tambari Steve) In spite the challenges we didn't give up today we are Celebrating the success.

The two strong guys behind our graphic design.
Megastar design
Trinity print (Israel )
They did a great job working tirelessly to make sure we didn't lack what to post.

All our performing artists you guys where mind Blowing on stage, couldn't believe port Harcourt has this great talent, we'll continue to promote our own with this brand because we have a whole lot here.

Before I forget the two boss that never gave up on us.
Mr Charles Ndukwe
Brr Emmanuel

We the team A Nite With Tambari Steve is greatful and appreciate your support to make this event a reality.

Rimshot Gkassic Ent you guys really did a great job the voice behind A NITE WITH TAMBARI STEVE jingle and stage equipment.

To all our ticket outlet
Cliff studio
Dvd picture people
ZMG Worldwide
Film house
Lesukaa event enter
Broadway internet
Your marketing strategies was awesome and contributed to much sales.

Will never forget the guys behind the camera.

Our award winning editor
You did a great job

And all those that contributed in their own little way just to make sure this event is a success, God will bless you all. 

See pictures below

 You have news, articles or motivational post and want it to be on RwG Platform please Contact Tambari Steve @ +2348165902794, +2348182764115 or Email 


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