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The Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria - PMAN Rivers State Chapter has called on political actors in the state to douse the tension and stop forthwith the fueling of the ongoing political crisis in the state.

Governor of PMAN in Rivers State, Tamunotonye Gbenga Wariboko popularly known as Lamaya King, made the appeal at the sidelines of an event to commemorate the 2024 world music day celebration in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State Capital.

He said the absence of peace in the state will hamper negatively on every sector of the economy including that of the entertainment industry which he said contributes significantly to the IGR of the state.

Tamunotonye Wariboko in a statement signed by the Public Relations Officer of the union, Maestro Vic, said PMAN Rivers State decided to use the occasion to honour an individual in the state, Ambassador Okorinama West popularly known as Shaggy, and conferred him with the status of patron of the union, and recognized Comedian K. O. Baba for his significant contributions to the growth of PMAN vis-a-vis the entertainment industry in the state.

He urged other well meaning individuals in the state to emulate such gestures and invest in the entertainment industry to make it compete favourably with other clime, such that there would be a significant drop in the cases of entertainers relocating out of the state in search of greener pastures.

On his part, one of the recipients of the award, Shaggy told our news team, the honour and recognition PMAN Rivers State had conferred on him will further propel him to do more to uplift the standard of the entertainment industry in the state.

He announced plans to host a musical event in Diobu, Port Harcourt in December 2024, to showcase, promote and empower entertainers plying their trade in the state.

He said most A-list artistes who left Port Harcourt to go thrive in other places have been reluctant to give back to the state because they did not enjoy any form support in their days of struggle, hence, the need for other well meaning individuals and the government to encourage the entertainment industry by providing an enabling environment for practitioners to thrive.

The event culminated with great music performances from Surmountz, Matinna, Legendary Fregene and other artistes.

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